All employees are different:
Boost productivity & reduce sick-days by focusing on their individual health needs.

Sustainable & Effective
Monthly 1-to-1, personalised health coaching sessions at your workplace or ONLINE, means that maximum impact can be made on an employee's health, and help them to sustainably improve their habits and well-being.
30 minute sessions each month
Accessible to all employees on a voluntary basis
Confidential, and non-judgmental coaching
Help your employees improve their diet, exercise, weight, sleep, and even stress levels
Holistic approach from an experienced professional
Flexible booking system to fit around work priorities
High-quality and effective staff benefit
No extra work for HR: after internally communicating this benefit, Health Works maintains the sessions independently
Evidence shows that improving employee health has a positive impact on:
- Productivity -
- Reducing sick days -
- Cognition, Memory, and Mood of staff -
- Talent retention / Reduced staff turnover -
- Company image -

Bo Lauenborg
CEO Kontaktlinse Instituttet
"Overall, I found working with Simon to be an excellent investment, which has benefited me in so many areas of life. I would strongly recommend working with Simon to colleagues, friends, and others in my network."

Frederik Tram
Lawyer at Gorrissen Federspiel
"My employees who had 1-to-1 sessions with Simon praised the effectiveness as well as the benefits it gave their everyday lives. It is a huge positive to have an experienced health professional meet with staff at their workplace, and give valuable tools for their personal health."

Jens Ø.
Senior Communications Specialist at Danske Commodities
"It is a great employer benefit as well as a chance for any company to increase motivation and health among employees."