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for boosting everyday energy

For busy people who want more energy in their everyday life


Fire up your day with an energy boosting bootcamp!

It’s gonna fill you up with positivity, give you a mental and physical energy boost every time, and give you peace of mind knowing during your day knowing that your exercise has been done already.


  • We’re gonna be pumping out 80’s hits and classic rock music to lift your mood and get you moving!

  • The outdoor sea air will fill your lungs up with nature’s finest oxygen.

  • 40 minutes training sessions (not too long, not too short) with fun yet challenging exercises that'll get you feeling great before your day has really started!

  • The group's energy will give you an extra spark!

  • As your coach, I will be motivating you and spreading positivity throughout each and every session! 

It’s not about weight loss (although it will definitely help if that is your goal)

It’s not even about getting super strong or super fit (although you will get stronger and fitter)

It’s about starting your day by doing something good for your body & head, and increasing your energy levels for your everyday life! Meaning more energy to use with your family or friends, at work, or for your own wellbeing.

With more energy in your everyday life, you’ll find that things like: 

Eating healthier, playing with the kids, prioritising sleep, being active with friends, getting out of bed, being active on a weekend, and many other areas become a lot easier to do!


Bootcamp for men; rigtige mænd; aarhus; bootcamp; træning; holdtræning; group training; Movement Method; Functional training; Functionel træning

Nick D.

Simon is really professional he knows what he is doing and he tells you what you need to know whilst being a bloody nice bloke! Would recommend him to everybody

Bootcamp for men; rigtige mænd; aarhus; bootcamp; træning; holdtræning; group training; Movement Method; Functional training; Functionel træning

Bo L.

Simon brings loads of energy and motivation for each session! His knowledge of training and how to get the most out someone is apparent and will push you to achieve more than you thought was possible on your own.

Bootcamp for men; rigtige mænd; aarhus; bootcamp; træning; holdtræning; group training; Movement Method; Functional training; Functionel træning

Tobias K.

I highly recommend him as a trainer and sparring partner that attempts to get the most out of you - and helps you get the most out of your training.

I give him 5 out of 5 guns!


  • 5-week bootcamp, with 2 x 40min sessions per week

  • Tuesdays & Fridayss at 06:20 - 07:00

  • For men & women of any fitness level (I adjust the exercises to suit the individual)

  • Language: Danglish (I speak both Danish and English)

  • ALSO INCLUDES: Closed Facebook group for motivation and inspiration.

  • Location: Tangkrogen, Aarhus. Meet next to the fitness pavilion alongside the parking area.

  • Max 12 people

Next start date & price:
(Payment requested via invoice, prior to start date)

Next Start: 24/05/22
PRICE: 1400,- (DKK)


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